Platform updates – Week 10, 2018

Just a couple updates this week, with one being a chrome extension to help faster posting, and a new storage place for all the images you use.

  • NEW FEATURE – Chrome extension – Chrome extension is a shortcut on the browser which you can take a piece of text you like from a website and you can instantly post onto your social media. You can also change which account or company you can manage to post the relevant text for the relevant company. From this, you can adapt the text highlighted to personalise them. If you are done with a company that you don’t need, you can remove them from your account.Screenshot of Chrome Extension


  • NEW FEATURE – Media library– This is a storage place for all your images that you may use on all your social media. You can assign the specific images to the specific piece of content that you are wanting to post. It is easy to drag and drop in order to post them. It’s also easy to delete any that you are not wanting to use or have no plans of using them in the future, this will increase your storage space.Screenshot-of-Media-Library