Add Campaign via URL

This is quite a long page, but the process is actually very quick. How long it takes very much depends on how well written your website actually is.

Adding a ‘campaign via URL’ means you will create a campaign which sends lots of traffic to a single page on your website.

The campaign will be made up of the lots of small pieces of content. This content we will get from your web page upon which we will send traffic.

Campaigns - Add New campaign from URL

Fig.1 – How content is taken from your website and produces lots of social media content


How to add a campaign via URL

From the campaigns page, click Add Campaign > Add Campaign via URL

Campaign - Add drop down

From the Main Menu, hover over Campaigns, click Add Via URL

Campaigns - Submenu

You will now be taken to the following page:-


All you have to do:-

  • URL – Enter a URL in the top of form
  • GET CONTENT – Press get content and the rest of form is completed for you

Finishing touches:-

  • Campaign TitleThis is automatically populated from your page title. You might want to shorten this a little. For example, some page titles have the company name at the end of the page title; remove this and perhaps any page titles. You can change this later.
  • URLThis is automatically populated from what you entered above. It is unlikely that you want to change this. You can change this later.
  • Category – Select which category best suits this campaign. You can change this later. You can add new categories later, using the content category management screen.
  • ContentThis is automatically populated with the content from your page. It will include all titles and paragraphs from your page. Titles on their own might not make much sense on their own, so delete them or expand on them. Long paragraphs can be split up here, but we will automatically split these for you later, but ideally, your paragraphs should be short anyway, similar to the above. You can edit this later.
  • ImageThis is automatically populated based on the featured image of your webpage.
  • Selected tags – Select which hashtags are relevant to this campaign. You can add new tags on this screen too. If you ever need to edit your tags, you can do so later, from the hashtag manager screen.
  • Submit – Convert all the above into lots of Social Media Goodness. You will automatically be redirected to the campaign details page.

Social Media Templates

When you press Submit above, your content above will be converted into social media friendly pieces of content, based on your company social media template. Your social media template can be edited in your company settings.

Below are some example templates. You will notice how the [title] [contents] and [tags] mirror the layout of your template.

Campaigns - SM template1

Create Social Media Campaigns using content you already
have on your website – No need to think about what to post
on social media, you already have promotional and education
content on your website

#SocialMedia #SSM >>>

Campaigns - SM template2

Create Social Media Campaigns using content you already
have on your website – No need to think about what to post
on social media, you already have promotional and education
content on your website #SocialMedia #SSM >>>

Campaigns - SM template3

No need to think about what to post on social media,
you already have promotional and education content
on your website #SocialMedia #SSM >>>

Campaigns - SM template4

No need to think about what to post on social media,
you already have promotional and education content
on your website #SocialMedia #SSM

How we split your content

If the length of your content is longer than what twitter allows (280 characters), then we will further split your paragraphs into the sentences. We calculate the length based on your template and allow space for the link to your website.

So you might have a really long paragraph. This will be suitable to post on Facebook or LinkedIn, but we will split it down into smaller pieces so it is suitable for Twitter. So one long paragraph will create one post PLUS lots of smaller posts.

Don’t worry, you can edit all your smaller pieces of data at any time.

How do I edit my campaign once it has been created?

Once you press submit, you will automatically be redirected to the campaign details page.

You can edit your campaigns at any time by going to the campaigns page.