
Channels provide links to your social media channels. Currently Digital Spash supports Twitter, Facebook profiles/pages and LinkedIn profiles/pages, but we will be adding more in the future.

How manage your channels

In the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click Channels.


  • Add Buttons – Allows you to add new channels. Please make sure you are already logged in to the social media channel you want access to.
  • Delete – Allows you to remove a channel. Please note, you can not delete a channel if it has a schedule attached to it.
  • Email Employees On/Off – When something is posted on this channel, you can have the system send an email notification to remind employees to like and share the post. This notification is only sent once per day. You can update the list of email address in your company settings.
  • In the example above, you will notice two profiles against LinkedIn – one for your company page – one for a company employee.
  • Please note, LinkedIn and Facebook connections refresh on a 60 day cycle. You will receive a notification on the dashboard at 50 days.